In case of an accident
Helicopters may be called in to rescue you in extreme circumstances. Keep well clear of the helicopter’s landing area and await instructions from the pilot. Never approach helicopters from the rear.
In case of accident
Do not leave the injured skier or snowboarder alone.
Approach them from below or from the side if the slopes are icy.
Do not remove your own skis or snowboard if the slopes are icy. If it is safe to remove your skis or snowboard cross them and place them upright uphill from the injured skier or snowboarder.
Do not remove the injured person’s skis or snowboard.
Reassure the person and keep them warm.
Do not move them or attempt to treat them unless you are qualified in first aid.
While one person remains with the injured skier or snowboarder make sure another reports the accident to any ski patroller or to the nearest lift operator. Say what the person is wearing – there can be more than one accident on the same run at the same time. Give the exact location of the accident and nature of the injury and wait for the ski patroller.
Have someone stand uphill from the accident to give verbal warnings to other skiers and snowboarders when someone, including Ski Patrol, is attending to the injured person.
Emergencies are often the result of poor planning and/or foolish behaviour. If you do find yourself in a difficult situation, stop and think.
Awareness of your own ability is an important safety factor. Individual skills and fitness levels vary greatly. What is quite safe for one person to attempt may be foolish for someone else.
Know your ability and keep well within it at all times.
Hypothermia: Prevention, recognition and treatment
Hypothermia is a lowering of the body’s core temperature, which can result in death, and can occur as a result of:
Accidental immersion in cold water.
Inadequate protection from the cold environment, especially when combined with altitude, wind, moisture and physical exhaustion.
Exposure to cold, especially in the unconscious, the elderly, young children and the injured.
Seek medical assistance immediately, providing you are not endangering yourself or other party members.
Hypothermia is easy to prevent. When it occurs it is usually from lack of preventive action rather than unavoidable circumstances.
These simple measures will lower the likelihood of hypothermia:
Adequate protection from cold, wind and moisture. Wear appropriate clothing, stay dry and beware of wind.
Regular intake of food and non-alcoholic drinks. Eat and drink high energy food and drinks such as fruit or warm sweet fluids, if available, and drink regularly.
Use sound planning, training and experienced leadership. Always carry a large plastic bin liner bag in your daypack as a precaution.
Know how to recognise the signs of hypothermia. If hypothermia is apparent, stop immediately and seek shelter.
One or more of the following signs should alert others to the onset of hypothermia:
Carelessness about protecting against the cold.
Unusual or irrational behaviour.
Poor judgement.
Displays of apathy, e.g., lack of interest.
Slurred speech.
The person feels cold to touch and is unusually pale.
The natural tendency to ‘press on’ must be avoided. This applies to groups as well as individuals. Regrouping on the spot and commencement of treatment is more important than evacuating from the area.
The basic principles of first aid and resuscitation apply, plus additional specific measures to stop further body cooling.
If any member of the party develops the signs of hypothermia:
Stop immediately.
Protect casualty from wind and moisture – find or improvise shelter.
Put on extra layers of clothing, remembering to cover the head and put on wind/water proof jacket and overpants.
Insulate the body from the snow, especially the head.
Prevent further heat loss by covering the casualty with any available waterproof material.
Huddle together.
Give easily digestable food and drink, which is warm if possible.
Ensure all party members put on extra clothing, including head covering.
Send for medical assistance.
Treating a conscious person with hypothermia
Carefully lay the casualty down.
Protect the casualty from the cold environment and prevent any further heat loss by placing insulating material under them – use packs, jackets, mats, bags – whatever you can find.
If a large plastic bin liner or garbage bag is available, place the casualty feet first into the bag, ensuring that the body and neck are enclosed. Arms and hands should not be covered by the bag. (The casualty may have to be placed in the recovery position.) Do not cover their head or face with the bag.
Cover the casualty with a blanket or sleeping bag and ensure their head and neck are covered with a beanie, jumper or fibre pile jacket, leaving their mouth, nose and eyes visible.
Do not give the casualty alcohol, cigarettes, strong coffee, or tea.
Do not attempt to stimulate the peripheral circulation by rubbing or massaging the casualty's extremities.
Do not expose the casualty to hot air or direct radiant heat from a fire. The application of external heat could worsen their condition.
Treating an unconscious person with hypothermia
An unconscious person must be handled with extreme care.
Minimise unnecessary movement.
Do not give any food or drink to an unconscious person.
Signs of life may be minimal but continue treatment until help arrives.
Provide the normal care of ensuring they have an airway, breathing and circulation.
With the person in the lateral or recovery position, prevent further heat loss by insulating them, and protecting them from the cold environment.
If adequate insulation and a warm shelter are available, gently remove the outer wet layers (it may be necessary to cut clothing to aid removal), dry off, replace with layers of dry clothing and insulate.
If shelter is not ideal, leave wet clothing on, add extra layers of clothing over the existing wet ones and cover with any available waterproof material. Wrap the casualty in a sleeping bag or blanket to prevent further heat loss. If a large plastic bin liner or garbage bag is available, place the casualty feet first into the bag, ensuring that the body and neck are enclosed. Arms and hands should not be covered by the bag. Do not cover their head or face with the bag.
If medical care is not available, the rescuer should ensure extra body warmth is provided by placing a companion on either side and close to the casualty. Ensure all are insulated from the ground, preferably in sleeping bags.
Use caution in applying external chemical heat sources or hot water bottles, never apply these directly to the skin.