Helmets can make a difference in reducing or preventing head injuries. Many skiers and snowboarders choose to wear them. However, helmets do have limits and users should be aware that wearing a helmet does not eliminate the risk of head injury. In addition to offering an added degree of protection, snowsports helmets are now designed to be lightweight, comfortable, warm and fashionable.
The decision to wear a helmet is a matter of personal or parental choice. Think with your head and wear a helmet… it’s a smart idea.
Snowsports helmets are insulated for cold weather and provide better coverage and impact protection than other sports helmets, such as bicycle helmets. Be sure that the helmet you choose meets current snowsports helmet design standards.
There is no substitute for responsible behaviour on the slopes. Adhere to the Alpine Responsibility Code as well as considering wearing a helmet.
For more information, contact a ski area, visit a helmet manufacturer’s website or go to or the Lids On Kids website.
Skin & Eye Protection
Skin Protection
Sunburn can be a serious problem, even on cloudy days. Always use a good sunscreen with a high SPF (sun protection factor) to protect skin exposed to direct or reflected sunlight. Don’t forget your lips, which are also susceptible to sunburn. Use a lip balm with a high SPF and remember to reapply frequently.
On sunny days if you are not wearing a helmet, a peaked or wide brimmed hat is advisable.
Eye Protection
To protect your eyes from the glare reflected from the snow (which can lead to ‘snow blindness’) wear polarised sunglasses.
If you are dependent on spectacles or contact lenses, carry a spare pair, in case you lose or damage them while you are in the snowfields.