Food provides energy for movement and for maintaining your body temperature.
The risk of injury or exhaustion can be reduced by having good meals, maintaining fluid intake and stopping to rest when tired.
Popular high energy foods for a day tour include bread or dried biscuits, cheese, peanut butter, honey, raisins, sultanas, nuts, chocolate, hot drinks and soup.
Don’t skip breakfast – it’s the most important meal of the day.
Eat a little more than normal. Eat often.
Carry high energy foods which can be eaten with little or no preparation (fresh or dried fruit and muesli bars are good examples).
Keep your intake of liquids(including sweet liquids if possible) high. It is a good idea to have at least a cup of fluid every hour as a minimum, even if it is only water.
Do not consume alcohol before or during skiing or snowboarding. Not only does it reduce your coordination, it significantly increases your risk of injury and hypothermia.