Ski and Snowboarding school
Most ski resorts offer complete ski and board riding school facilities at all levels for downhill, cross-country skiing and snowboarding.
Unfortunately, many skiers and boarders regard ski/board riding instruction as dull and slow. Nothing could be further from the truth. Today, the trained professional ski/board instructors want you to have fun, learn to enjoy the sport and improve your skills using the quickest and easiest methods available.
Statistics prove that the more experienced skiers and snowboarders have fewer accidents and the best way to learn and progress is to take lessons.
Lessons will allow you to better handle powder snow, ice, bumps, steeper terrain and narrow trails as well as hard packed, groomed terrain.
If you are alone and in an unfamiliar ski area, lessons can be an opportunity to learn while also having fun and socialising.
Getting the most out of lessons
Take lessons from a trained professional rather than friends, no matter how well you feel your friend skis or snowboards.
Whether you take private or class lessons, let your instructor know why you are taking the lesson, how many lessons you plan to take, and what you would like to improve.
When a lesson is over, ask your instructor to direct you to the most suitable runs.
Your enjoyment of the sport often directly correlates with your ability to handle the different types of terrain and snow conditions available. The fewer restrictions you have in this regard usually means the more fun you have.